Tangier | 532 W. Market Street | Akron, OH 44303
Race at the Raffle is CANAPI's signature fundraising event. The event features pre-recorded horse races selected at random; participants may purchase or sponsor (and name, for better or worse) horses in several races or simply bet on a predicted victor. A race announcer hilariously narrates races using names chosen by participants. Event tickets correspond to an ongoing reverse raffle. Spice it up further with the 50/50 raffle, sideboard, silent auction and live auction. To the victor go the spoils! Open bar, hors d'oeuvres offered.
Come dressed in your best derby outfit! The best outfit will win 50/50 raffle tickets and a secret prize compliments of CANAPI.
Money raised at Race at the Raffle goes directly to CANAPI programming. Must be present or represented to win 50/50 or reverse raffle.
Visit www.canapi.org/events to purchase tickets (available March 23rd).